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Sept. 21, 2006


It's been a tough week or so in rock'n'roll. And I'm barely recpvered.

Last Friday nite was the BANANA FISH ZERO Reunion at CONTINENTAL and it was all that could have been hoped for(except that it ended)! The boys were AMAZING and it will take awhile for another band to equal what they were able to do. The energy of the music , the lyrics and the relationship b/w the band and the fans will be hard to replicate. we will miss them.

On saturday i went to the INDIAN LARRY MEMORIAL BLOCK Party in Williamsburg. they had FREE BEER and food plus a WILD collection of some of the most outrageous motorcycles around! Oh yeah, and SEA MONSTER played another KICK-ASS set!

Sunday was ALYSON GORDY's wedding(the Blonde in BLONDE & BLUE). It was held in the public garden on e. 9th St. and Ave. C. It was a beautiful day for a wedding and alot of old friends were there and I even made afew new ones. The wedding band was MAGGES(the traditional Greek band), but for the opening song of the marriage they were joined by SAMI YAFFA(NY DOLLS) on upright bass, LENNY KAYE (PATTI SMITH GROUP) on electric guitar, DANNY RAY (MAD JUANA) on sax, SUSAN MITCHELL (BLONDE & BLUE) on violin and ROBERT AARON(WYCLEF JEAN's band) on keyboards. as soon as the minister said "I now pronounce you husband and wife," they went into PIPELINE that famous surf classic.. What a GREAT song to describe marriage!

After getting totally wasted on champagne I still had to go do a show at OTTO's! DEAD LIZARD started the night with a fun set and lead into HOME TO HENRY's set. FLACK BLAMINGO were next, and with a drummer like BILLY FICCA (TELEVISION) you don't even realize that there isn't a bass player. PARANOID LARRY & HIS IMAGINARY BAND were after them with their songs of paranoia, cospiracy and life in general and had everyone falling out of their chairs. The LOVE PIRATES continued their residency with theirusual brand of Bkluesy rock which everyone loves. One of the members of RIVERCAT had hurt his back and you could see he was in pain so they passed on playing which allowed VALERIE GEFFNER and her troup with their cabaret style show to have a little more time. it was interesting, to say the least! Then T.J. JORDAN wrapped up the nite. We endend early because it was the last nite of LIVE music at CONTINENTAL and everyone wanted to catch a piece of it. GOOD-BYE CONTINENTAL, we will miss you, even yiu TRIGGER. THANKS for all the great shows.

On Tuesday was the premier of STEVE BLUSH& PAUL RACHMAN's movie: AMERICAN HARDCORE, based on the book by STEVE BLUSH. You MUST go see this movie! It is the definative story of the hardcore punk rock scene. With interviews and newsclips and live RAW footage, it practically take you back to the early 80's. it opens Friday, Sept. 22 at the ANGELICA theater in NYC. Grab your friends and go. The after party was insane with San Francisco band FLIPPER performing(they were joined on 1 song by MOBY) and MISS GUY DJing. The luminaries were out from STEVE & PAUL and some of the SONY execs to BOB GRUEN, to some of the BAD BRAINS, JIMMY GESTAPO, BOBBY STEELE, SEAN PIERCE and THEO, LUNDO and many, many, more.

This Friday nite we celebrate STEV PANG's birthday. STEVE is the man behind OTTO's SHRUNKEN HEAD and his party will be fun with MAD JUANA, the NYC BLUES DEVILS, TOMBSTONE BRAWLERS, MAGGES(with JAMEELA) and who knows what else. Come down and wish Steve well!

On Sunday we will celebrate WILD BILL THOMPSON's birthday at OTTO's. WILD BILL was in an early pink band called THE SENDERS and we go back a ways. We will have UZUHI unplugged, M. DAVID HORNBUCKLE,The HOT ROSES with JOHN LAW (BFZ, F. P. TOZ, The NYC BLUES DEVILS, LOVE PIRATES, the HUDSON DUSTERS (WILD BILL's current band), THE UNPRONOUNCEABLE, ACID RAYZ and what wil be an especially wild "SOFA KING" WILDE JAM with an exceptionally talented group of players.

Hope to see ya soon.

Take care,


"Then HE commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry: for that shall abide with him of his labor the days of his life, which GOD giveth him under the sun."
- Ecclesiastes 8:15

"We're on a mission from GOD!"