33615 Hits for December 2013

Albums (0) & Images (33615)

Mr. WOOD talks on and on and on... while SCOTT, JOE and DOUG look over the set list, with DAVE in the background.
Mr. WOOD talks to ZACK before introducing NAKED.
Mr. WOOD talks while PAM the METAL QUEEN waits patiently.
Mr. WOOD talks with the ref while LUCIFER enters the ring.
Mr. WOOD tangles with LUCIFER.
Mr. WOOD thinking how can the next show top this?
Mr. WOOD thinks he sees a wave... in Brooklyn?
Mr. WOOD throws the bones for ACID RAYZ.
Mr. WOOD throws the dice.
Mr. WOOD throws the dice.
Mr. WOOD tries a piccolo?
Mr. WOOD tries the trumpet!
Mr. WOOD trying to get an encore out of TANIA & THE REVOLUTIONARIES.
Mr. WOOD trying to get BRENDA off the stage!
Mr. WOOD trying to get the LUSTKILLERS an encore.
Mr. WOOD trys not to squeeze the pastry as THE NURSE trys to distract him as LUIGI BABE plays.
Mr. WOOD waiting as THE SHIRTS set up.
Mr. WOOD warms up.
Mr. WOOD watches as LANI holds down the bar.
Mr. WOOD watches as LUIGI feeds BABY DOLL some pastry.