with SKELETAL LIFE, LYNCH PIGS, COJOBA, CHESTY MALONE & THE SLICE 'EM UPS, VON FRANKENSTEIS and MURDER JUNKIES!
GUZO, Mr. WOOD, SHANE and VON
VON and ROYALE
JOE DEMOLITION's vest!
SKELETAL LIFE/JOHN
SKELETAL LIFE/AARON
SKELETAL LIFE/TOM
SKELETAL LIFE/BRYAN (ROBO SAPIENS)
TOM, BRYAN and AARON
SKELETAL LIFE/TOM, JOHN, BRYAN and AARON
TOM and BRYAN
TOM, JOHN and BRYAN
LYNCH PIGS/JOE, JASON, MIKE, JUAN and JOHN
LYNCH PIGS/JASON
LYNCH PIGS/MIKE
LYNCH PIGS/JOHN
LYNCH PIGS/JOE DEMOLITION
LYNCH PIGS/JUAN DIABLO
JUAN, AARON and JOHN
JOE and JASON